Ruggero Pintus
He received the master’s degree and the Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari (Italy), with a dissertation on Computer Vision algorithms applied to Scanning Electron Microscope. He worked at the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Palo Alto, California) on photometric stereo techniques applied to conventional flatbed scanners. From 2007 to 2013, he has been part of the Visual Computing group of CRS4. The primary focus is the development of algorithms for acquisition, out-of-core processing, time-critical rendering and 3D printing of massive models, mostly applied to large scale Cultural Heritage datasets. Since February 2013 he joined the Computer Graphics Group at Yale.
“A 3D Steganalytic Algorithm and Steganalysis-Resistant Watermarking”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1002-1013, 2017. Downloads: 3dsteganalysis_and_watermarking.pdf
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“Automatic Single Page-based Algorithms for Medieval Manuscript Analysis”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2016. Downloads: jocch2016.pdf
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“Automated Color Clustering for Medieval Manuscript Analysis”, presented at the 2015, 2015. Downloads: dh2015_id193_final_1.pdf
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“An Automatic Wordspotting Framework for Medieval Manuscripts”, presented at the 2015, 2015. Downloads: dh2015-word_spotting.pdf
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“ATHENA: Automatic Text Height ExtractioN for the Analysis of text lines in old handwritten manuscripts”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (Journal version of DH2013 conference paper), 2015. Downloads: jocch2014.pdf
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“A Survey of Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, Computer Graphics Forum, 2015. Downloads: cgf2015-survey_geometric_analysis_ch.pdf
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“Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, presented at the 10/2014, 2014. Downloads: gch2014-star_camera_ready.pdf
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“A TaLISMAN: Automatic Text and LIne Segmentation of historical MANuscripts”, presented at the 10/2014, 2014. Downloads: gch2014-talisman.pdf
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“ATHENA: Automatic Text Height ExtractioN for the Analysis of old handwritten manuscripts”, presented at the 10/2013, 2013. Downloads: dh2013_paper82_camera_ready_0.pdf
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