Our People


Julie Dorsey's picture

Julie Dorsey is the Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, where she teaches computer graphics. She came to Yale in 2002 from MIT, where she held tenured appointments in both the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the School of Architecture. She received undergraduate degrees in architecture and graduate degrees in computer science from Cornell University.

Theodore Kim's picture

Theodore Kim is a Professor of Computer Science at Yale University. He researches topics in physics-based animation, which include the simulation of fire, water, muscles, skin, and virtual humans. He joined Yale from Pixar Animation Studios in 2019, and received Scientific and Technical Academy Awards in both 2012 and 2022. He holds a PhD and MS from UNC Chapel Hill, and a BS from Cornell University.

Holly Rushmeier's picture

Holly Rushmeier is the John C. Malone Professor of Computer Science at Yale University. Her research interests include shape and appearance capture, applications of perception in computer graphics, modeling material appearance and developing computational tools for cultural heritage.

Michael Shah's picture

Mike Shah is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Computer Science at Yale University. His current research topics include geometry, real-time game engines, and computer graphics education. Mike joined Yale from Northeastern University serving as an Associate Teaching Professor. Mike occassionally consults as a Senior 3D Graphics Engineers, and previously has worked at a range of companies including PlayStation and Intel. Mike received his PhD and MS at Tufts University, and his BS from The Ohio State University.

Graduate Students

Sherry Qiu's picture

Sherry is a  PhD student in computer science. Her interests include interactive 3D sketching, augmented reality (AR),  3D modeling, and biomedical visualization.

Prior to Yale, she received her B.S. in Computer Engineering from Columbia University in 2017.

Alvin Shi is doing work with fluids and deformable meshes. He began the program in 2021.

He also has a BS in Mathematics, a minor in physics, and a minor in Media Arts and Design from the University of Chicago (2021).

Alvin's Website: Alvin.pizza

Haomiao is a PhD student in Computer Science at Yale University since 2021. Her interested areas include physics-based simulation of fluids and deformable solids.

Before coming to Yale, she received her B.S. in mathematics and physics from the physics department, Tsinghua University in 2021.

Website: https://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/wu-haomiao/

Zhaoyang Zhang's picture

Zhaoyang is a Ph.D. student at Yale Graphics Group, starting from 2022. His research mainly focuses on generative models in computer graphics.

Prior to joining Yale, he obtained his B.Eng. (summa cum laude) in Computer Science and Technology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in June 2022.

Postdoctoral Associates

Yoehan Oh's picture

Yoehan Oh (he/him) is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Computer Graphics Group, at the Department of Computer Science, Yale University. His interdisciplinary research relies on Science and Technology Studies (STS), history of computing, critical platform studies, Asia and Asian diasproa studies, and anti-racist graphics. He also a member of the Asian Americans and STEM initiative at Yale. He previously has worked at LG Electronics. He holds a PhD from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, and M.S, M.S.Eng., and B.S.Eng.

Mengqi Xia's picture

Mengqi (Mandy) Xia is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Computer Graphics Group at Yale University. Her research focuses on physically-based rendering, material modeling, and inverse rendering. She earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 2022.

Website: https://mandyxmq.github.io/

Bai Xue's picture

Bai Xue (薛白) is a Postdoctoral Associate with the Computer Graphics Group, Yale University. His research interests span the areas of hyperspectral/multispectral imaging, statistical signal processing, image processing, pattern recognition, remote sensing, and spectroscopy. He received B.E. degree in Automation from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China, and he graduated with Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), USA.

Jun is a Postdoc at the Yale Graphics Group, beginning her position in 2024. Her research primarily focuses on the virtual try-on system for jewelry using machine learning methods.

Before joining Yale, she earned her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Groningen in 2023.

Website: https://junzhoupro.github.io/

Nadia Zikiou's picture

Nadia Zikiou is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies and the Department of Computer Science at Yale University. Her research focuses on the intersection of remote sensing, image analysis, and environmental science, with a particular emphasis on developing innovative methods for Earth observation and environmental monitoring. She has expertise in the compression and classification of hyperspectral images using advanced techniques like sparse representation and spectral graph transforms.

Undergraduate Students