About Us

We are a computer graphics group based in Yale's Computer Science Department. At Yale we are immersed in a unique environment with world-class faculties in the visual arts and sciences, including Art, Architecture, Art History, Drama, Psychology and Medicine. We have access to rich resources in the collections of the university's libraries and museums. The Yale campus itself and the surrounding Connecticut Shoreline provide us with visual inspiration and challenges.

Joining Us

We are always looking for new group members. If you are interested in joining the group as a graduate student, please contact and apply through the graduate school directly. Current undergraduates or prospective postdocs should contact Professors Dorsey or Rushmeier.


We welcome visits from students, researchers, artists, and industries with interests in computer graphics on a per-case basis when prearranged. If you are interested in visiting the lab, or have a class that would like a tour, please contact Judi Paige (judi...@yale.edu).


(dor...@cs.yale.edu) Julie Dorsey
(theodore.kim@yale.edu) Theodore Kim
(hol...@acm.org) Holly Rushmeier
(judi...@yale.edu) Judi Paige, Administrative Assistant

Postal Address
Graphics Lab
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
P.O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520

1-203-432-4249 Julie Dorsey
1-203-432-4091 Holly Rushmeier
1-203-436-1267 Judi Paige, Administrative Assistant

Physical Location
(for UPS and FedEx which do not accept P.O. Box addresses)
51 Prospect Street (Arthur K. Watson Building)
4th Floor
New Haven, CT 06520

1-203-432-0593 ATT: Judi Paige, Graphics Lab