Stone Weathering in a Photograph S. Xue, Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “Stone Weathering in a Photograph”, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1189–1196, 2011.
A Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Compression, Editing and Rendering H. Wu, Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “A Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Compression, Editing and Rendering”, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 465–473, 2011.
Image-Guided Weathering: A New Approach Applied to Flow Phenomena C. Bosch, Laffont, P. - Y., Rushmeier, H., Dorsey, J., and Drettakis, G., “Image-Guided Weathering: A New Approach Applied to Flow Phenomena”, vol. 30, no. 3 , pp. 20:1–20:13, 2011.
Physically-Based Interactive Bi-Scale Material Design H. Wu, Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “Physically-Based Interactive Bi-Scale Material Design”, vol. 30, no. 6, 2011.
Example-Based Fractured Appearance L. Glondu, Muguercia, L., Marchal, M., Bosch, C., Rushmeier, H., Dumont, G., and Drettakis, G., “Example-Based Fractured Appearance”, Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 1547-1556, 2012.
Creating Texture Exemplars from Unconstrained Images Y. D. Lockerman, Xue, S., Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “Creating Texture Exemplars from Unconstrained Images”, 2013. 2013.
Inverse Bi-Scale Material Design H. Wu, Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “Inverse Bi-Scale Material Design”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 32, no. 6, 2013.
Creating Texture Exemplars from Unconstrained Images Y. D. Lockerman, Xue, S., Dorsey, J., and Rushmeier, H., “Creating Texture Exemplars from Unconstrained Images”, 2013.
Effects of Approximate Filtering on the Appearance of Bidirectional Texture Functions A. Jarabo, Wu, H., Dorsey, J., Rushmeier, H., and Gutierrez, D., “Effects of Approximate Filtering on the Appearance of Bidirectional Texture Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014.
Experiments with a low-cost system for computer graphics material model acquisition H. Rushmeier, Lockerman, Y. D., Cartwright, L., and Pitera, D., “Experiments with a low-cost system for computer graphics material model acquisition”, presented at the 02/2015, 2015.