Weiqi Shi
Weiqi Shi is a second year PhD student in computer science. His advisor is Holly Rushmeier. Currently, he is working on an Augmented Reality (AR) based material design system involving photorealistic rendering in AR and global illumination. He developed the software system CHER-Ob for culture heritage recovery, analysis and display. He is interested in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and game design.
Before coming to Yale, he received B.E. from Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University in 2015.
“A Low-Dimensional Perceptual Space for Intuitive BRDF Editing”, in Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (DL-only Track) , 2021. Downloads: paper1006_preprint.pdf
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“Image-based BRDF Design”, in IS&T Electronic Imaging Material Appearance, 2019. Downloads: imagebasedbrdf.pdf
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“CHER-Ob: A Tool for Shared Analysis and Video Dissemination”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2018. Downloads: a18-wang-lowres.pdf, a18-wang.pdf
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“Material Design in Augmented Reality with In-Situ Visual Feedback”, presented at the 05/2017, 2017. Downloads: paper1051_final.pdf
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“CHER-Ob: A Tool for Shared Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, presented at the 08/2016, 2016. Downloads: paper1026_crc.pdf
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“Tactile Mesh Saliency”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2016. Downloads: mesh_to_tactile_ver09.pdf
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