Found 161 results
“New Haven Building Archive: A Database for the Collection, Study, and Communication of Local Built Heritage”, presented at the 2018, 2018.
, “A 3D Steganalytic Algorithm and Steganalysis-Resistant Watermarking”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1002-1013, 2017.
, “CHER-ish: A sketch- and image-based system for 3D representation and documentation of cultural heritage sites”, presented at the 09/2017, 2017.
, “An Introductory Video Generator for Disseminating Cultural Heritage Projects”, presented at the 09/2017, 2017.
, “Material Design in Augmented Reality with In-Situ Visual Feedback”, presented at the 05/2017, 2017.
, “Special Object Extraction from Medieval Books Using Superpixels and Bag-of-Features (BoF)”, Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 26, no. 1, 2017.
, “Towards Semi-Automatic Scaling Detection on Flat Stones”, presented at the 09/2017, 2017.
, “Automatic Single Page-based Algorithms for Medieval Manuscript Analysis”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2016.
, “CHER-Ob: A Tool for Shared Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, presented at the 08/2016, 2016.
, “Learning a Human-Perceived Softness Measure of Virtual Objects”, presented at the 07/2016, 2016.
, “Multi-Scale Label-Map Extraction for Texture Synthesis”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2016.
, , “Tactile Mesh Saliency”, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2016.
, “Testing spatial patterns for acquiring shape and subsurface scattering properties”, presented at the 02/2016, 2016.
, “ATHENA: Automatic Text Height ExtractioN for the Analysis of text lines in old handwritten manuscripts”, ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (Journal version of DH2013 conference paper), 2015.
, “Automated Color Clustering for Medieval Manuscript Analysis”, presented at the 2015, 2015.
, “An Automatic Wordspotting Framework for Medieval Manuscripts”, presented at the 2015, 2015.
, , , “Experiments with a low-cost system for computer graphics material model acquisition”, presented at the 02/2015, 2015.
, “The Perception of Lighting Inconsistencies in Composite Outdoor Scenes”, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2015.
, “A Survey of Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, Computer Graphics Forum, 2015.
, “Effects of Approximate Filtering on the Appearance of Bidirectional Texture Functions”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014.
, “Exploring the Use of Memory Colors for Image Enhancement”, presented at the 02/2014, 2014.
, “Geometric Analysis in Cultural Heritage”, presented at the 10/2014, 2014.