Application of Perception to Computer Graphics

Application of Perception to Computer Graphics

We generate synthetic computer images for people. By exploiting properties of the human visual system we can generate images more efficiently, and more effectively. In the past, we have applied principles of perception to many computer graphics applications, such as tone mapping for displaying high dynamic range images on limited devices, printed patterns for enhanced perception of papercraft models, perceptually realistic image compositing, and etc. Insights into perception may also produce more efficient techniques for texture synthesis and geometric representation.

Papers accepted at Pacific Graphics 2013, SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 and Digital Heritage 2013

The graphics group has had papers accepted at three upcoming conferences – Pacific Graphics in Singapore, SIGGRAPH Asia in Hong Kong and DIgital Heritage in Marseille. In addition, video from our SIGGRAPH Asia paper (with first author recent alumnus Hongzhi Wu) has been selected for the conference trailer.

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