
We are a computer graphics group based in Yale’s Computer Science Department. At Yale we are immersed in a unique environment with world-class faculties in the visual arts and sciences, including Art, Architecture, Art History, Drama, Psychology and Medicine. We have access to rich resources in the collections of the university’s libraries and museums. The Yale campus itself and the surrounding Connecticut Shoreline provide us with visual inspiration and challenges.


Professor Holly Rushmeier has been elected as a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. Congratulations!


We are again organizing the Eurographics Material Appearance Modeling Workship (MAM2016). The workshohp will be colocated with EGSR2016 in Dublin, Ireland June 22. Position papers for the workshop will be accepted until June 6, 2016. Early registration for the even t is now open, see http://egsr2016.scss.tcd.ie/index.php/mam


The Graphics Group will have two papers at SIGGRAPH 2016 — Multi-Scale Label-Map Extraction for Texture Synthesis and Tactile Mesh Saliency. SIGGRAPH will be held July 24-28, 2016 in Anaheim California. We will also have a paper at the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, held just before the main SIGGRAPH conference.